Tamil trp ratings 2017 week 12 – star vijay moved into third positions

tamil trp ratings 2017 data week 12 – 18th to 24th march 2017

Tamil trp ratings 2017 data
Tamil trp ratings 2017 data

as per latest barc tamil trp ratings 2017, sun tv is listed in top positions. vijay tv is the second popular tamil general entertainment channel, sun tv is leading in the chart. zee tamil moved into 4th place and polimer tv at 5th positions. jaya tv no where in the top 5 channel positions. tamil 24 hour movie channel ktv is again at second positions. there is no other major changes with top 5 channel list. vijay tv is the tail language entertainment channel from star network. they have recently started some serials and shows. Anbudan DD is a latest offering from vijay tv, you check the details from here.

Top 5 Tamil Channel List – As per latest barc television data

Channel Name
1 Sun TV sun tv logo 1069871
2 KTV ktv logo 295318
3 Vijay TV vijay tv logo 246649
4 Zee Tamil zee tamil logo 229900
5 Polimer TV aa 87537

Most popular tamil television shows list – top 5 serials

There is only sun tv serials listed in this chart, nandini is the most popular tamil serial. nandini doing good job for sun network in all languages. we have already published some articles regarding nandini tamil horror serial.

Arundhathi serial today episode online
Arundhathi serial today episode online
Serial Name
Channel Name
1 Nandini Sun TV 15053
2 Vamsham Sun TV 13318
3 Deiva Magal Sun TV 13176
4 Vani Rani Sun TV 9490
5 Kula Deivam Sun TV 9272

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