SMS Code For Activating Sony ESPN, Sony Ten , Sony Six Channels In DTH Services

sony TEN Channels sMS activation codes in direct to home services

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through this post we are checking sms code for activating sony espn, sony ten channels in dish tv, videocon d2h, sun direct, airtel digital tv, reliance digital tv, tata sky dth services. we have already know that fifa is getting through sony sports network channels. you have another option for watching Fifa is through sony liv application.

sony sports network is getting through all leading cable and dth services, but it’s hd (high definition version) is not available through all dth. it’s better to do the subscription before starting the matches, 14th june is the opening day. you can go though the availability of sony ten 2, sony ten 3 channels in different dth services from here.

It’s easy to subscribe any channels via TRAI’s Channel Selector Application , It’s available for Download from Google Play Store for Free

SMS codes for activating Sony Ten 2, Sony 3 and Sony ESPN channels in Dish TV

Dish tv included sd and hd version of all sony sports channels, if your subscription not having the same please check here.

Sony Sports Network Launched latest Sports Channel Sony TEN 4 SD and HD

FULL ON HD – is a dish tv package offering around 50 Channels for 191 R.S Per Month, GAME – ON HD si another dish tv package offering 27 sports Channels for R.S 148 Per Month. You can also select favorite channels using the add on’s , you can contact customer care for activating the channels.

TO ORDER ADD-ON PACK(S) on Dish TV Please follow the following steps

From Registered Mobile No. TYPE: DISHTV ADD < ADD-ON PACK(S) CODE > and send it to 57575

From any other mobile No. TYPE: DISHTV ADD < ADD-ON PACK(S) CODE > < 11 DIGIT VC NO > and send it to 57575

Sony Sports Channels Activation
Sony Sports Channels Activation

From any other mobile No. TYPE: DISHTV DEL < ADD-ON PACK(S) CODE > < 11 DIGIT VC NO > and send it to 57575

Activating sony espn and sony ten channels for watching 2018 fifa on Airtel Digital TV

Sony TEN2 (SD and HD), Sony TEN3 HD (SD and HD), Sony ESPN HD (SD and HD) are getting through airtel digital tv.

To get information about any channel / Top up on Airtel Digital TV platform SMS “GET < Channel Name>” to 54325

Glory at Gold Coast
SPN Special Series

Add to 54325 your registered telephone number

Tata sky dth sony espn channel activation methods

you can contact customer care for activating the channels to watch 2018 fifa matches through tata sky. ADD to 56633 was the previous code, we have no idea about the present sms code for activating channels in tata sky.

Videocon d2h sms activation codes for activating sony sports channels

d2h only having standard definition channels of sony espn, sony ten 1, 2 and 3.

SMS keywords to 566777 or 9212012299 from Registered Telephone Number (RTN)

Sony Ten 1 HD Channel Logo
SPN Sports

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