Hosa LUV Story – Suvarna’s New Reality Show Starting From 17th Jan 2011

Hosa LUV Story On Suvarna TV From 17th Jan 2011

Hosa LUV Story
Hosa LUV Story – Suvarna’s New Reality Show

Bangalore: After the grand success of 3 reality show sequels, Suvarna Television Channel has announced yet another all new format reality show — Hosa LUV Story. The new show will be on air from 17th January at 8pm during the weekdays. The last 3 sequels: Pyete Hudigir Halli Lifu (City Girls – Village Life) Halli Hyda Pyateg Banda (Tribal Boys Comes to City) and Pyate Mandi Kadige Bandru (City Folks Come to the Forest), set the new standards for reality shows in Kannda both on ratings and creative parameters.


“Suvarna continues with its brand philosophy of offering fresh and differentiated content. Hosa LUV Story is yet another all new format experiment in Kannada and will be totally different from the earlier series. The show is based on an insight `give your love life a second chance” says Anup Chandrashekharan, Business Head, Suvarna.


The participants are the young couple who were in love till the recent past. They include a) couple who are in the verge of getting divorced, b) recently divorced, c) young unmarried couple who are in live-in relationship and want to get separated. The couples will undergo different situations, performing multiple tasks designed to make them understand each other better and fall in love all over again. The show’s objective is to revive the rusty relationships among the couple and act as a beacon for the society.

Hosa Love Story will telecast from Jan 17th. Monday to Friday, 8pm to 9pm.

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