Star Vijay HD Channel Added on Sun Direct DTH Service at EPG # 808
Sun Direct Included Star Vijay HD At Channel Number 808

Star vijay hd added in leading indian direct to home service sun direct dth. You can enjoy high definition tamil shows and movies through vijay tv hd. sun direct recently included 12 high definition indian channels to the platform. vijay hd now available through sun dth service at epg number 808. Asianet hd, colors hd, sony hd, sony le plex hd etc are some of the latest addition in sun direct. Sun TV HD at 800, KTV HD at 802, Sun Music HD at 804 etc are the other Tamil High Definition channels. Now total 4 hd channels can be watch through this platform.

HD Tamil Channels
Vijay hd channel launched one year back, 29th may 2016. Vijay super is another tamil channel from star network. vijay hd tv channel offering high quality content with clearer picture and superior sound quality. users need hd set top box and supporting television with hdmi input to enjoy the content. modern led and lcd televisions having hdmi input. star is one of the leading indian television network. They have strong presence in all regions, vijay tv is tamil gec from star. all vijay television contents, tamil movies etc can be watch through vijay hd.

List of Tamil High Definition channels available through sun direct
Channel Name | Number |
Sun TV HD | 800 |
KTV HD | 802 |
Sun Music HD | 804 |
Vijay TV HD | 808 |