Maya tamil fantasy serial coming on sun tv – promos started on sun network channels

multi language fantasy television serial from sun network maya soon on sun tv

maya tv serial sun tv
maya tv serial sun tv

Maya tamil fantasy serial coming on sun tv – promos started on sun network channels malayalam (surya tv), udaya tv (kannada) and telugu (gemini television). it’s looks like nandhini, a success model from the same network. promos looking rich , maaya tamil serial made up with big budget. we have no idea about the cast and crew, hero name, heroine name etc of maaya sun tv horror serial. nandhini doing excellent performance for all sun network channels. for sun tv nandhini is the most popular tamil serial as per latest barc trp ratings chart.

Update – sun tv tamil serial maaya launching on 9th July 2018 at 7.00 PM

sun is the tamil television industry leader, they are far away than other gec’s. zee tamil is now at second positions, they overcome vijay tv and listed at 2nd spot. star vijay down into 3rd slot, chutti tv reached top 5 chart. naayagi another sun tv serial is at second positions in top 5 shows list, Azhagu is at 3rd positions. launch date and telecast timing of maaya serial sun tv is not available now. actor manobala is in the promos, as per reports leading mini screen stars appearing in the series.

A question which stands for more than a millennium-who is big God or Devil? knowing the truth sets you free #Maya, a new fantasy serial coming soon on #SunTV!

Click here for hero name, heroine and other star cast of sun tv serial maaya.

Sun tv prime time programs schedule

06:30 PM – Ganga
07:00 PM – Vinayagar
07:30 PM – Kalyana Veedu
08:00 PM – Nayagi
08:30 PM – Azhagu
09:00 PM – Nandini
09:30 PM – Vani Rani
10:00 PM – Priyamanaval
10:30 PM – Valli
11:00 PM – Comedy Junction

there will be some changes with sun tv program schedule while launching the series maaya. we will update the same here, we need to wait few more days for the details of maya tv serial.

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