Every Monday to Friday at 5.00 PM is the Telecast Time of Pogo Show Kalari Kids
The show revolves around the village of Kalaripuram, which preserves and practices the ancient martial art of Kalaripayattu and following the day-to-day lives of two competing gurukuls. This cartoon program will be stream very soon through Amazon Prime Video.
Synopsis of the show
The kids from both Gurukuls are trained by two Gurus. They are two brothers with two distinct ideologies. While Guru Palan believes in bringing the best out of his students with light hearted methods, valuing their age and innocence, Guru Veta believes in rigid military form of training.
After their early morning training session, the students go back to their regular life. They go to school, study, prank their friends and play video games like other regular kids. The thick jungle surrounding Kalaripuram holds many magical secrets, which keeps the undesirable polluters, promoters, rambunctious tourists and other evildoers out. The magic protects the jungle and the town of Kalaripuram!
The show is available on POGO for fans in Tamil, Hindi and English.