Gemini Music Hd Channel Added On Sun Direct DTH Service At EPG Number 824

Sun Direct Added Gemini Music Hd Channel At Number 824

Gemini Music HD Channel Available on Sun Direct Service

we have posted about the launch of gemini music hd channel, sun direct included the same at epg number 824. gemini movies hd also included in sun direct at 822. this is the 3rd hd channel from sun network for telugu. gemini tv hd already available, sun direct carrying the same at 820. gemini music is 24 hour telugu music channel from sun network. we have posted the schedule of gemini music, it’s one of the popular telugu music channel. now sun network have three high definition channels in telugu language.


gemini tv hd, gemini music hd, gemini movies hd are the high definition channels from sun network. etv telugu hd, star maa hd etc are other telugu hd channels. you can check the updated and complete telugu channel list of sun direct from here. is the web portal dedicated for telugu channel news. we are publishing articles about channel trp ratings, program schedule, serial list, cast and crew of popular serials, official sources for watch shows online, satellite rights etc. gemini music hd channel is available through leading cable and dth services. at present it’s available only through sun direct, will include very soon in other services.

Sun Direct Telugu Channel List With EPG Number

Channel Name EPG NO
Gemini TV 150
ETV Telugu 152
Gemini Movies 154
Star Maa 156
Zee Telugu 158
Gemini Comedy 159
Kushi TV 160
Gemini Life 161
Telugu Cinema Club 162
ETV Plus 164
Maa Movies 168
Maa Music 170
Naaptol Telugu 171
ETV Andhra Pradesh 172
TV9 Telugu 176
Gemini News 177
TV5 News 178
NTV 180
V6 News 182
Sakshi TV 184
ABN Andhra Jyothi 186
T News 187
DD Yadagiri 188
DD Saptagiri 189

List of Telugu HD Channels Available through Sun Direct Service

Channel Name EPG NO
Gemini TV HD 820
Gemini Movies HD 822
Gemini Music HD 824
Star Maa HD 828
ETV HD 830

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