Chintu TV Birthday Wishes – Celebrate Your Kids Birthday With Chintu TV
Instructions and format for Sending Chintu TV Birthday Wishes

Chintu TV Birthday Wishes is one of the popular segment in kannada kids channel chintu. it’s the 24h hour kannada kids channel from sun network. birthday wishes segment is very popular and you can wish your kids birthday through chintu tv (ಚಿಂಟು ಟಿವಿ). you can send your child details to chintu tv for the birthday wishes. if you are interesting to get greetings through the channel, can follow the instructions. you need to send your kids photograph and other details to chintu tv. all details (images, name, date of birth) should be reach 10 days before the birth date.
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log on to and browse for chintu tv, you can browse it from menu. you will get the page ” chintu tv birthday wishes “, open it and fill details. you need to fill the details about your kid through this form. name (your kids name) , date of telecast (birth date), mobile number, city, country, sender name (your name), email id and attach photograph. it should reach 10 days before to chintu tv to telecast. for example your kid birth date is 15 January , it should reach chintu tv before 5th January. Then only they can include birthday wish through channel.
Instructions to send birthday wishes to chintu tv
Date – Entering ‘DATE’ should be 10 days before the date of telecast. This is very important, your kid image and details should reach 10 days before here.

Month – Wishes accepted for the current and upcoming month. you can’t send too early. for example your kid birthday on march, you can send details on february or march. chintu tv will not accept to early birthday wishes requests.
Image – Only image file with extension(.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png,.bmp) is allowed. These are the image formats, chintu tv will not accept other formats.
Note – This website not accepting any photos for showing at birthday wishes program, we are just discussing about the procedure.

Need to send birthday wishes for my daughter
Nana Anna na magala birthday wishes Anu Ashwini anuvaru thanushri ge wish maduthiroodu birth date .29/12/2013
My daughter birthday is 1/9/2016.Name is Ruhi.Lokhande
April 14 my son birthday . Preetham 14/04/2014
Today is my daughter birthday
Tanuja 1/7/2020
We All Loved This Chintu Channel sooooo Much
My wife brithday is on 01/06/2020
Send me link I want send my kid birthday day wishes
My son Raghav gowda birthday is on 23 January 2020
My son birthday is on 05-01-2020
My son birthday is on 06.12.2019
my son birthday 20.11.2019
Name: Erick Christy P
Praneetha.S D/O Shankar naik date of Barth 29.11.2015.
We are eagerly waiting to watch today’s birthday wishes programme.
At what time u are going to telecast birthday wishes programme
pls upload birthday wishes video dt 10/05/2019 and 22/06/2019
Pls upload birthday wishes video to youtube because we could not watch on that day…..
Chintu TV email id address
My Son Birthday 30/05/
Super programs to all chintu chanal
My son Nihal celebrating 5th birthday on 15 may 19..
Hi, We missed to watch 21.03.2019 episode. where can we find the recorded video
Need to send photo for bithday wishes at chintu TV.
Missed to watch wishes on 22 09 2023 pls can u upload video on youtube